
Educational Psychologists have extensive training and expertise in understanding child development. They apply psychology to remove barriers to learning and focus on achieving positive outcomes.


Moss inclusive pSYchology

Moss Inclusive Psychology works across Yorkshire and Lincolnshire supporting families, schools and Local Authorities.

Working with the systems supporting a young person underpins all that we do and collaboration is a fundamental part of our practice to create a shared understanding of need.



A consultation with family and/or key members of staff is always offered at the initial stages of any work being undertaken. 

Moss Inclusive Psychology is fully aware of the importance of providing a consistent and efficient service to others, whilst developing positive trusting relationships.

We offer flexible and responsive packages of support to suit your needs and can work with you in the following ways:



This involves Dr Moss facilitating a consultation session with the supporting adults, generally family members and school staff.

This provides a valuable opportunity to create a shared understanding of need by discussing what is going well along with any concerns regarding the young persons progress and development, in order to plan next steps more effectively.

Consultation sessions can be invaluable in applying psychology to a situation and promoting positive change.

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Individual assessment 

This involves targeted work around individual children and young people as identified by themselves, their family and / or the school or educational setting (from Early Years to Post 16).

A number of different assessment and intervention tools can be utilised, depending on identified need, and will be discussed with you at the outset. Recommendations will also be made to support future action planning following an assessment. 

In addition to eliciting the young person’s views, an assessment may include a classroom / setting observation, and / or a 1-1 assessment exploring the pupil’s approaches to learning or tools and techniques to explore underlying social, emotional and mental health needs.

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1-1 Interventions using therapeutic methods i.e. Motivational Interviewing, Solution Focused Brief Therapy, Therapeutic Story Writing, Narrative Approaches, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) can be explored as appropriate.

Moss Inclusive Psychology can also facilitate group sessions with children and young people around a variety of identified needs i.e. anxiety, emotional literacy, self-esteem and resilience.


Systems Work and Training

Systems or whole school work, is generally discussed with the school’s Special Educational Needs and Disability Coordinator (SENDCo) and/or School Leadership Team. Systems work can include supporting schools thinking and development i.e. with provision mapping, person centered planning and policy development.

Individual or group supervision for staff and settings can be arranged, drawing on a variety of psychological frameworks and models. The use of methods such as the Solution Circle and Force Field Analysis can be used to facilitate staff reflection and promote positive problem solving.

Moss Inclusive Psychology offer a variety of evidence based training packages. These will be developed as a result of individual needs as identified by a school or setting. 

Examples of just some of the training areas that can be offered includes;

  • Supporting pupils with Social, Emotional and Mental Health needs

  • Understanding Attachment and Nurturing Approaches (Trauma informed)

  • Emotion Coaching

  • Lego Therapy

  • Understanding and Managing Anxiety

  • Narrative Approaches

  • Identi Play; An intervention that supports and teaches children with social communication difficulties / Autism to play

  • Precision Teaching; an intervention that can be used to support pupils making little or no progress academically

  • Understanding and supporting Social Communication Difficulties

  • Thinking about Behaviour and its Communication

All packages are tailored to your settings individual needs. Please contact us to discuss any training requirements.

“Claudia is positive, hardworking and enthusiastic about using Psychology to make a difference to the lives of young people and their families.
She is passionate about therapeutic ways of working, particularly using story and narrative approaches”.
— Educational Psychologist Colleague